What Kind Of Rod Do You Need For A Baitcaster? (Fishing Guide)

Many anglers find it challenging to choose the right rod type when learning to use baitcaster, given the infinite selection of fishing rods available in physical stores and e-commerce platforms. 

If you’re wrestling with the question, “What kind of rod do you need for a baitcaster,” don’t worry. This in-depth article will help you narrow down the types you should be looking for, the advantages of using them, and things you need to be aware of properly. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it!

Related: What is the best Baitcasting Reel For Beginners

What Kind Of Rod Do You Need For A Baitcaster?

Despite the vast array of fishing rods, they are often classified into two main groups: spinning and casting rods. As the name suggests, spinning rods are specifically designed to pair well with spinning reels, whereas casting rods are great companions to bait casters. 

Due to their durable and resilient essence, it is advisable to use casting rods in conjunction with baitcasters.

At first glance, spinning rods bear striking similarities to casting rods, to the point that novice anglers often mistake one for the other. Moreover, they usually assume that these two types can be used interchangeably without negatively impacting their fishing experience.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Spinning rods’ specifications and construction make them ill-suited to bait casters. Below are the benefits that explain why casting rods are the undisputed champion.

Related post: Baitcasting Rod Buyer’s Guide for Beginner

Advantages Of Casting Rods


Although casting rods seem lighter and less cumbersome than spinning ones, they are, in fact, much more rigid and more durable, which enables them to hold heavier lines (such as braided fishing lines). Also, their superior strength allows you to use more expensive lures, which tend to be on the heavy side. 

The winning combination of stiff lines and large bait often translates into much bigger fish, even those weighing more than 10 pounds.


Casting Distance

Casting rods’ maximum strength helps you to cast further and more profoundly. This is because they are not prone to breaking even when you retrieve heavy fish from a long baitcaster distance or deep water. Another huge plus point is that you can target prey with greater accuracy and efficiency.


Made from durable materials, casting rods don’t often wear out when you use them in harsh weather conditions, say, in the middle of a boiling hot summer day. Furthermore, if you are willing to splurge on premium casting rods, the odds are that they are not subject to normal wear and tear even when water currents are powerful and fast-flowing. 

These high-quality casting rods also allow you to fight with big, hard-hitting fish, which often try to resist and escape. This significantly amplifies your chances of winning the catch during such fights.

Things To Remember When Using Casting Rods


When using spinning rods with a baitcaster, you can hold and keep them steady with whatever hand you feel like using. However, casting rods are available in 2 types that cater to left-handed and right-handed. 

Although you can’t swap between two hands, this is not a big deal. You’re good to go; buy the type dedicated to your dominant hand!


A Crooked Sink

An undeniable advantage of a spinning rod is that bait can sink straight into the water without swaying back and forth and scaring away the fish. For this reason, remember to be patient and wait before the lures you throw on a baitcaster can attract fish.

Initial Cost

Depending on your chosen brand, casting rods can be 2 to 3 times costlier than spinning ones. In addition, gear setups compatible with casting rods, namely casting reels and braided lines, are pricier than other alternatives. 

Although this seemingly steep price may put off recreational anglers, professional ones aren’t reluctant to invest in a good casting rod since it yields much better results and lasts longer, eliminating the need for frequent replacement.

Complicated Fishing Technique

Casting rods call for specific techniques that can be hard to get the hang of. Furthermore, their compatible gear, such as braided lines, also requires much practice before you are well-versed in using them. 

Such a high learning curve is why newcomers may need to use spinning rods first before transitioning into casting ones. Newbies should also reach out to seasoned anglers to learn from their experience.


Having presented you with why this tool is worth every penny, we hope you no longer hesitate to purchase your casting rod. This comprehensive tool will undoubtedly facilitate your fishing process and help you have a whale of a time!