How To Spool A Baitcasting Reel? (Step-By-Step For Beginners)

The baitcasting reel is a fishing reel that casts a lure toward a moving target such as trout, bass, and catfish. So, how to spool a baitcasting reel?

When the line is casting, the fishing rod tip and reel are nearly parallel, causing an instant kink or loop for each line loop. This action causes the lure to swim more steadily in precisely controlled oscillations in the swim pattern. As a result, it becomes easier to conceal your movements and present more natural-looking retrieve patterns for positive responses.

Spool a baitcaster reel is quite easy to use, and you will get used to them the more you practice. If you are a new angler or don’t know how to spool baitcaster, read our detailed step-by-step guide below.

Related post: Best Baitcasting Reels Under 150$

How To Spool A Baitcasting Reel For Beginners (Step-By-Step)

Before you go out into the water, make sure that you have the following:

  •  Your Reel
  •  Your Rod
  •  Your Line (monofilament, fluorocarbon, or braided line)
  • A lure, hook

Step 1: Attach Baitcaster To Your Baitcasting Rod

Choosing a baitcaster and a baitcasting rod would be best to ensure consistency between fast, medium, or slow actions. The rod’s reel seat should work with various reel brands and fit snugly when tightened. The reel seat with openings is the rod’s latest innovation.

Some anglers use a line spooler to put it on a baitcaster. But it’s unnecessary because you can achieve the same effect using rods instead.

Tips: Ensure your reel is clean by wiping it down with a soft, wet rag or sponge to spool the baitcaster smoothly.

Step 2: Feed Line Through The Rod And Reel

To feed the line through the first guide of the rod. It will help to move the line toward your baitcasting reel from the right direction. It also helps you to apply tension during the spooling process.

To feed the line through the line guide of the reel. This step makes the line moves from side to side while you spool your baitcaster reel. It ensures the line is filled onto the spool. Pull the spool out and in, turning it counterclockwise so that a line reel is exposed on one side.

Thread your line through the rod’s line guide on the tip, then through all the others until you reach the bottom with your reel. During threading, make sure your line goes straight down and doesn’t get wrapped around your rod anywhere. After you go through your rod’s line guide, start by threading your line through your reel line guide. It makes your line goes even and smoothly, allows your reel to contain more lines, and prevents backlash when casting. Next, connect your line to the spool.

Step 3: Tie The Line To Your Spool

Next, you’ll need the line to wrap around the spool and then tie an overhand knot around the mainline.

If your baitcaster has holes in the spool, you can thread the line through two holes and then tie it with an oversized double knot. And if the spool doesn’t have a hole, wrap your line around the baitcaster reel spooling and then tie it down with an overhand double knot. Finish this step by tying an overhand knot at the top of the tag and pulling on the mainline until both knots tighten to the spool (known as the arbor node).

Step 4: Tie The Lure Or Hook To The End Of The Line

The purpose of this step is to maintain some tension on the line while also preventing the line from backing up on the reel. I recommended tying a small hook to be effective.

Step 5: Trim Off The End Of The Line

Trimming the end of the tag. It’s important because you don’t want the end of the line to stick out and get in the way of the mainline during your winding.

Step 6: Start Spooling The Baitcaster

Now, you can start spooling your reel by turning the handle. Insert your pencil through the hole of the packaged filler spool and let them hold your line vertically, like a tire on an axle. Put some tension on the line and start reeling and filling the spool. If you don’t have a friend available, use your line spooler to accommodate the filler spool as you reel.

To avoid line twisting and casting problems, you should let your line pop out of the filler spool the same way it entered your reel. Since your spool feeds at the end of its turn, you want your filler spool to load at the top. A good tip is to think of a cassette tape. When one reel loses its tape, the other will fill up.

Step 7: Spool The Baitcaster Until Full

Continue spooling your reel until it is almost full of the line. But it would be best if you didn’t fill the baitcasting reel completely; leave a 1/8 of an inch from the spool’s edge. It helps you prevent backlash. Spool your baitcaster handle clockwise to the “on” position, and then take a few practice casts if you wish.

Which Line Should You Use On Your Baitcaster?

When it comes to fishing line, you have three options:

  1. Fluorocarbon.
  2. Monofilament.
  3. Braided.

It depends on what you fish for, but I suggest a braided mainline. I almost always have a leader on end; if you want your leader to float, use mono. And if you want it to sink, use fluoro. Because the braided line floats, I use fluoro as my leader line.

A braided fishing line is more durable, lasts longer, and has a higher sensitivity. That is why I employ it. Mono comes into play if you’re fishing from the water’s surface. If you need the line to sink slightly, use fluoro.

Why We Should Put A Braided Line On Baitcaster

My primary fishing line on my rods is always braided. It is slightly more expensive, but it lasts remarkably longer. It does not tangle easily and will not snap if your hook becomes entangled in a tree or weeds (unless your knot-tying skills are subpar).

Many people dislike the braided line because it was shoddy when it debuted. It felt almost like wire and was challenging to work on. But it’s come a long way, and I think it’s far superior to anything else.

The following are the primary reasons why I use a braided line:

  • It appears to cast more smoothly than anything else.
  • It is not as easy for Baitcaster birdnest.
  • If you get snagged on something, it will not break.
  • It is not easy for fish to bite through.
  • It’s much more sensitive, making your rod feel like a higher-end model.

Some people use a straight braided line, but I like it in the center. I will use the regular fishing line as the backing and the normal line as the leader. It is not the best, but it’s the only thing that worked for me in the past.

How To Spool Braided Line

  1.  Remove the line from the box.
  2.  Insert or attach the braid to a spool by feeding the end through the eye of the spool. Repeat for additional braids if applying more than one braid, then tie a knot on the backside of the spool (do not cut off excess).
  3.  Attach solid but lightweight material, such as rubber bands or velcro hooks, to the back of the lure and bait to secure the line on either bait (one on each side).
  4.  Attach one solid but lightweight material to the back of the lure attached to your reel or baitcasting spool, and then attach a second to the trap line.
  5. Attach the line to your rod in a manner you feel is comfortable and effective. A reel slide clip is recommended if you are stapling the double hook system mentioned above.

Many baitcasting reels work with two-line sizes in the same reel. Line sizes are marked on the body of the reel. Use a baitcaster that is designed for your line size. If you use a braided line, use a braided spool for that size (see above). Using monofilament, get a spool with a braid for your line size.

How Many Lines Do You Put On A Baitcaster

Tie your braided line to the backing. Ensure that your line is fed straight through the bottom guide, and then fill your spool until there is a 1/8-inch gap (it is essential to keep tension on the line). You don’t want it to be filled because you’ll never use it all, and you don’t want it to be filled halfway because it didn’t cast well. When you combine this with a high-quality line, you should get the best results.

I tried filling it wholly and halfway and discovered that the sweet spot is around 1/8 of an inch. It was approximately 120 yards from my reel. I usually used a braided line for my main. If you follow the 1/8 inch rule, the results may vary if you use fluorocarbon or monofilament lines.

Connect your braided line to your leader line. Anywhere between 6 and 9 feet should suffice. I like it because the knot doesn’t quite fit into my spool. When ready to cast, I’ll position the knot between the lowest guide and baitcaster. This ensures no friction or that nothing gets caught up when I’m casting.

Tips For Spool A Baitcasting Reel

Over the years, how many lines you need to put on a fishing reel has been contentious. Some individuals recommend filling it out, while others recommend simply half-filling it out. After researching, how many lines should you add to trolling with a baitcasting reel?

Tip 1: You should note applying some oil to your bearings. Maintaining your reel in good condition is essential, so you should clean it regularly. After that, adjust your drag and spool tension.

Tip 2: Put it on your back. For this, use any aged fishing line. Thread the line through your lowest guide loop, through the small hole on your reel, which has a moving motion from side to side. If you have one above the metal rod, tie it to your spool (make sure the line on the spool remains as it was in the package). Please hold the line tight and wrap it a few times (to hide the spool).

Frequently Asked Questions About Spool Baitcasting Reel

Do You Need Backing On A Baitcaster?

The answer is generally no, but it depends! Backing on a baitcasting reel is used in two situations:

  • To create split shots using heavy jigs and other baits that require additional weight to be effective. This is especially true in deepwater fishing.
  • To keep the spool from sliding backward when casting. This is extremely important in windy conditions.

Be careful not to put too much backing on your reel, or you will create more drag which is counterproductive. It would help if you balanced these options with what your fishing situation dictates and how you learned to your Baitcaster in various situations.

How Full Do You Spool A Baitcaster?

This is the unique feature of baitcasters. They all run on a spool system, but you can choose to over-spool (add more than the recommended line) or under-spool (remove some lines). Many factors will determine how many lines you want on your spool and how much is too much. You must figure out how deep you need to fish. The lower the limits, the less line you will need to use. 

How Much Money Does It Take To Fill A Baitcaster Reel?

Generally, you should have enough line that leaves a gap of 1/8 inch from the top of the spool to the line. This should be enough to let your lure move free while casting.

The line is cheap, and in most cases, you will find that overspooling is not necessary. When choosing a reel, make sure that it has a locking mechanism on the spool (reels without this feature can be set to over-spool by accident).

Which Way Should Line Come Off Spool For Baitcaster?

The line should always come off the top of a baitcaster. Anglers often turn their reels upside down to remove the line. This mistake is dangerous if you are fishing in deep water. It should come off the top because the spool has been purposefully designed to do so—this makes it easier for you to use and ensures your lure will always be facing forward.


Anglers use baitcasting reel parts to cast artificial lures that are not attached to a rod. Traditionally, various lures are used to throw on a Baitcaster for fishing in freshwater environments. The reel is attached to the fishing line and connected with the fisherman’s rod, powered by arm motion as they cast towards desired destinations.

With the instructions above, I hope you now know how to spool a baitcaster and wish you successful fishing.