How Much Does A Idaho Fishing License Cost?

Fishing appeals to you. Holding the rod and waiting for the fish to bite makes you feel at ease. You haven’t, however, discovered the ideal fishing spot. We’ll take you to an area where pro-anglers congregate. That is Idaho. Make sure you have purchased fishing licenses before going fishing in Idaho. There are many different fishing licenses and prices. To buy the appropriate fishing license, you must determine your purpose.

So how much does a Idaho fishing license cost? In this article, we will learn more about the cost of an Idaho fishing license.

What Are The Different Types Of Fishing Licenses?

You’ll need to purchase a fishing license to go fishing in Idaho, just like in the rest of the country. That isn’t at all simple. Because there are so many different types of claims, you must carefully review them to make the best decision. The following are some of the most popular fishing licenses in Idaho and other states:

  • Combination license
  • Hunting/fishing combo license
  • Freshwater license
  • Non-resident fishing license
  • Saltwater license
  • Lifetime fishing license
  • Seaweed license
  • Daily fishing license
  • Three-year fishing license

To avoid penalties, you must be extra cautious when purchasing a fishing license if you are a resident of another state. Idaho residents and non-residents both need separate permits.

How Much Does A Idaho Fishing License Cost?

Although fishing laws are uniform across states, the cost of a fishing license varies greatly. Every state will have its support package for everyone, from children to the elderly, professionals and novices. Of course, Idaho is as well.

There are many different fishing permits, each with a different price. We created the following table to assist our readers in locating the appropriate fishing license. Residents and non-residents can look up the various fishing permits and their prices. Prices may fluctuate from year to year.

For many people, a lifetime fishing license is also an option. Seniors, adults, and children all have access to it in Idaho. It’s ideal for a fun picnic with the whole family. Below is the reference table for this type of fishing license.

Item Adults Lifetime License (Ages 2-50) Infants Lifetime License (Ages 0-1) Seniors Lifetime License (Ages 51+)

Lifetime Fishing $841.75 $601.75 $636.75

Lifetime Hunting $386.75 $276.75 $221.75

Lifetime Hunting $1113.00 $795.50 $636.75

In Idaho, however, children as old as 14 years old must have a fishing license. It would be best if you thought about it before purchasing a fishing license to save money while still getting a lot of benefits. It’s also crucial that you know and follow the fishing regulations of the state you’re visiting.

Fish To Catch In Idaho

In Idaho, not all fish are caught. The types of mangrove fish seen and not allowed to be fished are listed below. You must pay close attention to it. Don’t be penalized for making bogus excuses.

Game Fish

 Salmon, Trout hybrids, Trout, Arctic Grayling, Whitefish, Cisco, Crappie, Perch, Bass, Catfish, Bullhead, Sunfish, White Sturgeon, Northern Pike, Tiger Muskie, Walleye, Sauger, Burbot

Nongame Fish

 Bluehead Sucker, Sculpin, Sand Roller, Leather side Chub, Bluehead Sucker, Pacific Lamprey

How To Get An Idaho Fishing License By Yourself

Purchasing an Idaho fishing license can be difficult for some people. They have no idea where to begin, how to buy, or which type is best for them. In this case, you need someone else’s advice or assistance. And now I’m going to show you how to get a fishing license quickly. I hope you find them to be very useful.

Buy At Online

The internet has grown in popularity among the general public. Everything is available on the website, shopping app, and other platforms. Permits for fishing are no exception. You can easily purchase a fishing license using only a phone or a laptop with an internet connection.

However, you will have difficulty selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective license. You may have to pay more money as a result of this.

Buy At An Authorized Vendor

If it is possible, you should go to an authorized provider. Because the staff will advise you on how to purchase the most appropriate fishing permits for yourself or your family, you are bothered that you must go out, spend money on gas, and incur other expenses.

Each method of purchasing will have its own set of advantages and disadvantages. No one but you knows what you want and need. As a result, consider your options carefully and devise the best strategy for obtaining a suitable fishing license.

Next Steps For Getting Idaho Fishing License

Currently, you must open your connected phone and type in “how to buy a fishing license,” which will return hundreds of results and websites. So, where can you find a reputable and suitable location? It won’t be easy for you to find what you want. We will provide you with a highly respected website. That is DoNotPay.

Conveniently, you can buy a fishing license while staying at home if you follow these three easy steps:

Step 1: Open the Do Not Pay website on your smartphone or laptop. Search for the keyword “fishing license”.

Step 2: Make suitable options such as:

  •  Fill in personal information
  •  Select State
  •  You are a resident or non-resident.
  •  Choose a type of fishing license like; short-term or long-term, freshwater or salt water, etc.

Step 3: Fill in contact information, ID copy

Step 4: Pay the fee required by the state.

Why Use Donotpay To Get Your Idaho Fishing License

Why do so many people choose DoNotPay when purchasing fishing licenses online? Sure. There must be numerous reasons for this:

  • Conveniently: No need to leave the house, no need to spend money on gas, and no need to be concerned about bad weather. Your job is to stay at home and complete the necessary paperwork.
  • Fast. It will only take a few minutes of your time.
  • Easily. Many websites advise against purchasing a fishing license due to the numerous steps involved. However, DoNotPay is not one of them.
  • Professional online consultant: Experts will provide you with advice via the internet. It is not necessary to use a licensed vendor. You can also select the appropriate fishing license for yourself, your family, or your friends. You will save a significant amount of money.

What Else Can Donotpay Do?

DoNotPay can assist you with various issues, not just fishing licenses. It’s a place where you have to solve your problems quickly and easily, such as:

  • Fight Corporations
  • Beat Bureaucracy
  • Find Hidden Money
  • Sue Anyone
  • Automatically Cancel Your Free Trials
  • Obtain a tourist visa
  • Prepare for government tests
  • File neighbour complains
  • Take passport photos.


I hope you find them helpful information about the cost of an Idaho fishing license. It’s not easy to go fishing in Idaho. That is why so many anglers are so eager to conquer it. Please read this article thoroughly to understand the prices and fishing laws available. Enjoy your time fishing in Idaho.

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