Are Baitcasting Reels Hard To Use? (Beginners Guide)

Being a new angler in fishing, you should encounter complicated problems in getting used to the game, especially the procedures and equipment choices. Of all aspects, choosing the reel type is also a key factor to keep in mind.

Among different types of traditional reels, baitcasting reels are somehow the most controversial. While some people think they’re easy to handle, others would attempt to defend the view that beginners should not opt for baitcasting reels. So, are baitcasting reels hard to use? This article will provide you with valuable insights into this matter.

Related: Top 7 Best Baitcasting Reel For Beginners

Are Baitcasting Reels Hard To Use?

When people start learning to play or participate in a particular sport, they often choose the latest technologies to make their game more complete. However, it’s not the case for fishing because using baitcasting reels will cause much trouble for beginners.

A baitcasting reel is a type of roller capable of spinning around it smoothly. However, unlike a regular reel, the position that the reel attaches to is above your fishing rod when used for a Baitcaster. This design inadvertently makes it difficult for anglers to control them. Without a doubt, baitcasting reels are challenging to use and should take a long time to control competently.

To make good use of baitcasting reels, users need to have an essential experience using more short reels. Not only that but controlling this device also requires stable strength to hold the reel firmly in a particular position. In addition, if you don’t practice regularly, you won’t find out how to adjust it properly and avoid unfortunate injuries.

Design & Mechanism Of Baitcasting Reels

When using spinning reels for spooling, you usually have only one spin. On the contrary, baitcasting reels are upgraded with different windings in a two-spindle tube. In addition, although most have an open design, some baitcasting reels may have an outer cover. Anyway, people prefer the former design since it lets them quickly check the condition of their fishing line and know when it needs to be replaced. Early baitcasting reels were made of iron or copper with rigid rubber spools. In some advanced versions, this part is plated with pure silver.


Today, baitcasting reels have become more diverse in materials and quality to suit the various needs of users. Specifically, they are usually made of stainless steel and aluminum, which are believed to withstand the corrosive effects of sea salt. Baitcasting reels use a mechanical system in which the operator drives the gyroscope on the internal cogwheels to move the reels. If you don’t mind spending a bit more, consider modern reels equipped with anti-tangle technology. It also allows you to adjust the tension of the line so that your fishing experience will be more favorable.

Should Beginners Use Baitcasting Reels?

No, beginners should opt for a simple reel type to get used to tuning and controlling strings. Also, you must learn to untangle the reel if you make a mistake while fishing. Practicing simpler reel designs will help you sharpen your fishing skills more effectively before switching to baitcasting reels later.

If you still want to use the baitcasting reel part, look for ones incorporating anti-backlash technology. However, this technology only helps you reduce the possibility of tangling, not aiding in adjusting the strings without an instructor. Of course, high-tech features cost much more than other popular baitcasting reels. Thus, consider if it’s worth the trade-off before spending your money.

What Is The Difference Between Baitcasting Reels And Spinning Reels?

Spinning reels are primitive versions of fishing rod reels. They have a simple and lightweight design, which is easy to control and perform fishing techniques. However, these early versions were relatively weak, making it difficult to catch large fish.

Baitcasting reels are an upgraded version of spinning reels with technologies such as auto-rewind, good throw, greater weight tolerance, and some anti-tangle functions. On the other hand, these improvements make baitcasting reels challenging to use and require more experience.

What To Do When The Fishing Line Is Tangled?

A tangled fishing line can stem from many reasons, such as hooks entangled in too heavy objects, sudden draw lines, or wrong technique when using fishing rods. To resolve these issues, don’t panic. First, you must calm down, then gradually untie all the knots.

Learn more about alternative lines to suit your fishing waters better. However, no matter what type of line, the most crucial factor is how you use your baitcasting rod, and be sure to use your baitcasting reels correctly to avoid similar accidents in the future.


Baitcasting reels are worth noting for their aesthetics and advanced functions compared to previous reel types. However, they are more suitable for those who have acquired decent experience. If you are a newbie, consider thoroughly and refer to a comprehensive guide before buying one.

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